Patio Paver Cleaning and Sealing

Patio Paver Sealing
Patio Paver Sealing

Tips for Patio Paver Cleaning and Sealing

If you’re a homeowner and your patio is looking a little worse for wear, it may be time to start taking steps to maintain its appearance. Patio paver cleaning and sealing are all important steps in protecting your pavers from the elements, preventing cracking, fading and moss growth. Homeowners like yourself can take these easy steps to ensure that their patio areas remain beautiful and clean for many summers! 

1) Start by sweeping up any debris or leaves on the surface of the paving stones with a broom or leaf blower. This will remove any dirt particles as well as help dislodge any embedded grit which could scratch the surface when wet. 

Patio Paver Cleaning and Sealing
Patio Paver Cleaning and Sealing

2) Pour water over the area using either a watering can or hose attachment. This will help to assess how well the pavers are drained. If water puddles on the surface or pools in any area, you may need to have the grading around your patio checked to ensure proper drainage. 

3) Use a power washer on a low setting to clean the surface of the paving stones. Be sure to hold the nozzle about a foot away from the surface to avoid damaging the pavers. Start at one end of the patio and work your way across in even strokes. Rinse off any soap residue with clean water.

4) Once the pavers are dry, it’s time to apply a sealer using a pump-up sprayer or roller designed for outdoor use. Be sure to read the manufacturer’s instructions on the product label before beginning. 

5) Apply the sealer in long, even strokes, working your way across the patio from one end to the other. Be sure to cover all exposed surfaces of the pavers. 

6) Allow the sealer to dry for the amount of time specified on the product label before walking on or using the patio. In most cases, this will be 24 hours. 

7) Once the sealer has dried, you can apply a fresh coat of polymeric sand to the joints between the pavers. This will help to keep weeds from growing and will give your patio a neater appearance. Simply pour the sand over the joint and sweep it in with a broom.

8) Use a garden hose to wet down the area and allow the sand to harden for at least 24 hours before using the patio. 

Patio Paver Cleaning and Sealing
Patio Paver Cleaning and Sealing

There are several benefits to sealing patio pavers, including: 

  1. Protection from the elements: As previously mentioned, the sealant acts as a barrier between your pavers and the elements, preventing dirt, water, and other debris from seeping into the pores of the pavers and causing damage. 
  2. Enhanced appearance: Sealed patio pavers will have a glossy finish that makes them look new and fresh. In addition, the sealant will help to fill in any cracks or chips in the surface of the pavers, giving them a smooth, even appearance. 
  3. Increased durability: These are more resistant to wear and tear than those that are not sealed, meaning they will last longer before needing to be replaced. 

With these simple tips, you can help keep your patio looking great all season long! Be sure to perform these maintenance tasks at least once a year to ensure the best results.

Glass Act Paver Restoration
1051 Sugar Sands Blvd Unit 352, West Palm Beach, FL 33404, United States
+1 561-801-1888


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